Thursday, November 16, 2017

Excess Poxy

Where to put that excess poxy?

The stuff is too expensive to just throw away. 

I built a little dam in the bow of my kayaks and kept pouring/placing anyexcess in there to reinforce the fragile bow and to accommodate the bow loop.

Poxy with wood chips placed in kayak bow

Using excess poxy, I built up a glob in the stem of the sharpie, scull and Boat BW to accommodate the bow loop.

Poxy with wood chips placed in stem of sharpie

Completed glob in stem of sharpie. The bulge is where the bow
loop passes through

Wood chip-thickened poxy in bow of scull.
Looks like I recently poured a bit of excess neat poxy
on top

Start of the glob in the stem of the BW

The glob in the stem of the BW is growing

Read more about the infamous glob in the Boat BW at Glob Blog

Parfait Anyone?

While building the BW, after the glob was complete I started dumping the excess poxy in a wax cup. When the cup was full, I peeled the wax cup away. 

That cup is the only poxy thrown away during the building of the BW which consumed 32 gallons of poxy. Always having a next step ready for the excess poxy is the trick to avoiding waste.

Crackers Anyone?

Then I coated a couple of Saltine crackers with neat poxy and topped them with thickened poxy.

Poxy thickened with powdered silica and wood flour

Poxy thickened with powdered silica, wood flour and wood chips

For a while I refused to discard the used disposable foam and chip brushes and stacked them artistically (well, as artistically as I am capable). The residual poxy in the foam/bristles glued them all together into a glorious sculpture.

Disposable brush sculpture

If the poxy manufacturers would meet my demand for edible poxy, use of the excess poxy would not be an issue.

Bon Appetit

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